Former Military Police After-COVID Life Lessons and Virus Viewpoints: What to Know Going Forward | by Joshua J. Lyon, BSQP, CNP | Aug, 2022 | DataDrivenInvestor

2022-09-03 06:23:00 By : Ms. May Zhang

Keywords: CDC, FDA, shield immunity, herd immunity, gas masks, malaria, surgical masks, critical thinking, spreading, cold, New Vaccine, and Multi-Science

“Nearly Half of Women Who Took Pfizer Covid Trial Vaccine Experienced A Miscarriage.” Dr. Naomi Wolf

Q: Why is this important?

A: This article is months of research, years of experience, and weeks of writing that you the reader gets to read in a few minutes. Most people just don’t have the time to do the research or really know where to start. This is a critical starting point.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection is consistent with breathing (include a scratchy or sore throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, and cough). The upper respiratory system, or upper respiratory tract, consists of the nose and nasal cavity, the pharynx, and the larynx. These structures allow us to breathe and speak.

The compound called 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile; chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), and is a cyanocarbon, is the defining component of tear gas; referred to as CS gas. CS gas is a serious upper respiratory problem (and really an all-inclusive respiratory problem, as CS is a choking agent):

Now, let’s get into biological warfare. To note, I’ve been in the military and been through biological training. CS Gas is a biological warfare choking agent that is .8 to 1.4 microns in size. A micron is also called a micrometer. A micron is 1 millionth (1,000,000) of a meter. For CS Gas we used gas masks, naturally. Even with a gas mask on .8–1.4 micron-sized CS Gas particles still can be smelled. Meaning, a tiny amount of CS particles are getting through the filter.

.8–1.4 microns were still getting inside a gas mask. Now try Covid at .06 — .14 microns with a mask that does not even suction to your face with rubber — a surgical mask, for surgical procedures. There is no comparison between a gas mask and a surgical mask; just as there is no comparison between CS and a virus, virus is much smaller and gets where CS can’t.

Masks are meant for micron sizes. Each mask has its micron size correlation. If it’s not common sense, well we have research. A gas mask is used for CBRN (chemical. biological. radiological. nuclear). Microns are the most important aspect to learning what is needed for filtration.

40 to 90 Microns = Diameter of a Human Hair

.005 — .3 Microns= Viruses. Covid-19 ranges from .06 — .14, (which is smaller than bacteria).

Bacteria is what your immune system is made out of. Bacteria is at least .2 microns — a surgical mask can block a lot of clumped bacteria/things your immune system lives on, but not viruses. The smallest bacteria ever found is Mycoplasma genitalium: An emerging sexually transmitted pathogen. Per the National Library of Medicine, this bacteria is .2 microns,from%200.2%20to%200.7%20%CE%BCm.

CS Gas is between .8 and 1.4 microns. Covid is .06 — .14

While I served 2 years in Korea, many Koreans wore masks just like our surgical masks when the “yellow dust” hit.

Fine dust particles range from 1 to 10 microns in size from the deserts of China and Mongolia. Which their masks were similar to our surgical masks, some were surgical masks, and some were cloth masks.

Surgical masks are designed to stop .8 microns and larger bacteria from getting into the patient’s wounds from the mouth of the doctor and medical team.

Doctors would even sneeze into the mask, versus tilting their head (as is customary for us to tilt our head for social courtesy), because of the raging gaps by your nose, ears, and chin you have when you wear a surgical mask are highways for air. Surgical masks are for the mouth of the doctor to not breath straight out into the area of operation, not to stop anything from coming through the sides of the masks into the mouth of the wearer and is designed to push breath out of the sides.

Now, people are saying stuff about the N95 mask. The N95 mask is made for .3 microns. As Dr. Lee Merritt (former spine surgeon) states, “they are called tuberculosis masks.” She also talks about how the dangerous parts of viruses are the small particles not caught by incorrect masks. You can see the photos below.

If our thin surgical masks are for viruses, then we would not wear anything for dust.

I wore a whole face mask with a large filter for .8 microns. If you have not seen the filters on our gas masks, give it a Google. Those filters are only good for between 8–20 HOURS (1 military workday). And some people are wearing the same doctor mask that a doctor changes out every couple hours, for weeks or months.

Now, no way am I saying covid is good. It is a VIRUS, not good at all — of course. Still like #74 in the US death-toll, though. I’m saying you are NO SAFER with a mask and you will not run far enough from it. You cannot be safer when you have huge gaps in your masks that is a virus 10-lane interstate with the virus being a sport bike and good bacteria to fight the virus is a 16-wheeler.

I’ll just leave this here: Kary B Mullis “won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for copying and amplifying DNA” — Chemical and Engineering News

Which his copying DNA method is being used to test for covid. This is your covid test at your local hospital. Check it out.

There’s nothing that can be accurate enough to detect between a cold and covid. The flu tests are pretty accurate, but they have had years and years of studies. We have not even double checked to see if the “covid tests” were actually factual. No, they just implemented the test and boom, made a decision.

Bulgarian Pathology Association, “But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2”

That versus propaganda news journalists crying “The inventor of PCR never said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases.”

Parents: “Your straw is not a whistle!”

Child: “The instructions does not say it is not, though. So, it might be.”

No one is ever going to say this DNA testing system is not for covid, that is dumb.

Don’t be a child.

Physicians will tell you and research will also, the covid tests are 70% accurate at best! Those results are not saying you do not have the Flu or Cold, either. Now, I know everyone knows the maker of the covid test if they swear by the test, right? Or do you just listen to TV? The maker of the covid test said it was not a covid test. He actually made it before 2020.

Technically, covid is just different strands of an upper respiratory virus stung together in a lab.

Robert H. Shmirling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing, “A molecular test using a nasal swab is usually the best option, because it will have fewer false negative results than other diagnostic tests or samples from throat swabs or saliva.”

Fewer false negatives… that’s so scholarly and CDC-effective for the Zombie Virus. I feel so much better.

Millions are still getting cold viruses and we hear all the time, people saying, “how did I get the cold when I’m wearing a mask?” “Colds are caused by the rhinovirus. The virus are invisibly tiny, measuring .018 to .028 microns in diameter. The rhinovirus is about 800 times smaller than the smallest pollen particle (10 microns). For reference, the smallest visible size of anything is 40 microns, more than 200 times the size of a rhinovirus particle” —

Yes, the masks do stop chunked up viruses that are in spit and such, but after a while, you begin breaking down the chunks and setting the viruses free “Yay! Freeeeedom!” That’s why the female spine surgeon said the dangerous virus particles are not encompassed in spit and why surgical masks are only good for like 2 hours. Anymore than 2 hours and you have built up millions of sitting virus particles waiting to be released back into your mouth.

Here is the link for Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting | December 10, 2020:

So, in Army Basic Combat Training we were given the Smallpox vaccine. It itched real bad! But, that’s it. Maybe 1 of us actually received any side effects. But, this dude in the report got so many side effects! That is unreal. Unreal for being in America. I know NO ONE who did not experience anything at all from the covid vaccine.

When we were in the military we were given so many shots and pills. You can see how many older veterans are running to the VA now. I knew MANY people who were holding on by thread due to bad health conditions and the vaccine sent them into an array of side effects and they died.

Not only that, but a free vaccine for covid??? And now, in 2021 and 2022, they are PAYING PEOPLE TO GET IT. That’s a legit target for all those who are poor. Some people have said that it was racist because the black community makes up for highest percentage of people in the hood. In Greensboro, NC, I seen a van pull into a street in the hood and there was a large crowd of people around, mostly black. One guy said, after I asked what it was, he said “they are giving $10 for people to get tested and to give them their personal information — and we can come back next week and do it again.”

Getting vaccinated has never been easier. We are at 80,000 locations where you can get a shot. Ninety percent of you live within five miles of one of those locations. … We’ll share these vaccines in the service of ending the pandemic everywhere. — President Biden

And CDC: “COVID-19 vaccines are available for everyone at no cost. Vaccines were paid for with taxpayer dollars and will be given to all people living in the United States, regardless of insurance or immigration status. COVID-19 vaccination is an important tool to help stop the pandemic.” — CDC

So, no free chemotherapy, organ transplants, etc.?

Nearly Half of Women Who Took Pfizer Covid Trial Vaccine Experienced A Miscarriage .

[Dr.] Naomi Wolf ran a crowd-sourced analysis project to analyze 300,000 Pfizer documents that were released thanks to a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request. In January, US District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas ruled that the documents be released, and the results found are stunning. 44% of Pregnant Women in Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Trial Lost Their Baby.

This data has never been released to the public before and women have been gaslit to believe that their periods were never actually affected by the coronavirus vaccine (even though it was later revealed that the vaccine does in fact affect menstrual cycles).

Dr. Naomi Wolf.

When we were in Haiti we were given “test pills”. Those things messed us up if we took them without food — I mean vomiting and headaches. 100% side effects. Good to note that we were forced to take those. This was noted in my book on Amazon: Haiti Flatlined. Millions of Haitians had diseases there! More than covid. It was evident just looking around the place. People laying dead on the sides of the streets. All the medical tents the UN and the Red Cross had over there. It was disease central. We did take a type of Malaria test pill — not a vaccine. Honestly, don’t trust the 2010 research results on the military malaria test results. No actual reason… just trust me.

No face masks were worn in Haiti, even when some of the populace almost rubbed against us every now and again and while breathing in our face. There were times when we would take pictures with children. Shook hands with us, too. However, we would turn down eating their local food. Not once did any medical person even bother with saying anything about caring about anything airborne or skin contact. And, not one of use caught anything.

The principle for vaccines is not to kill someone due to a side effect, miscarry, or have neurological issues. Even CNN is reporting blood clot issues connected with doctors urging people to get the vaccine. CNN!

From 2021: CDC says over 5,000 deaths from the vaccine; here. Let’s talk miscarriages and birth defects: “It also included reports on pregnancy complications from almost 4,000 women enrolled in a U.S. vaccine safety registry. Of these, in the vaccine registry about 13% of pregnant women reported miscarriages, less than 1% stillbirths, 9% premature births and 2% birth defects.” here.

People have said the CDC said the rates of miscarriages are the same from before the pandemic — however, these 4,000 reports are in the first 4 months of the vaccine and are all in the vaccine registry — not the probably 60% of pregnant women staying away from the vaccine during pregnancy. That’s too much junk in the bloodstream for babies. From the vaccine registry: 520 miscarriages, 360 premature births, 80 babies now with birth defects from the vaccine, and 40 still births — and this is just the first 5 months of the vaccine. Who knows about the rest of the 4,000. The covid vaccine has done more damage than ALL US vaccines in history combined. The government wants 100% vaccinated… what doctor recommends that percentage for anything else? 0%. Not to include all the corruption that the two large pharma companies have been tied to.

Let’s not forget, the CDC says we are still in the “trial phase” — you are the test subjects.

“Around the world, I am seeing efforts to support ‘quick-fix’ programmes aimed at developing vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19” Dr. Shibo Jiang.

With having over 200,000 side effects reports in 2021, Children’s Health Defense demands suspension to deploy COVID-19 vaccines to children, here.

The first covid shot decreases the ability to make white blood cells by 50%. Your white blood cell reproduction generation is 8 weeks, that’s why they hit it again. So, you hit the white blood cell ability while it’s down. That decreases your ability to produce white blood cells by an additional 25%. You are functioning at 25%. You wiped out 75% of your military. And you wiped out the ability to make that military.

Then they have a booster. That booster has 81 strands of foreign bacteria that your cells have never come across, you don’t have the antibodies to fight it. Then you get Chronic Inflammation where your weakness is. Cancer. Neuroligcal. Pulmonary. Bone and Joint. Cardiovascular. Diabetes. Gut Health. Respiratory. Skin conditions. The booster is going to inflame that area.

Then you get a 2nd booster. That booster has 8 strands of HIV. What that does, that completely shuts off all white blood cell reproduction. If you Google what that disease is, it’s HIV. So now we have people walking around with no immune system, no ability to make an immune system, 8 strands of HIV. 20–30% of the vaccinated population will die each series.

When you have no immune system you are totally dependent on the boosters, just like someone gets dependent on insulin. Reoccurring customers for life.

And so on and so forth to complete a novel.

This should be a given.

Covid spreads fast because of what we learned in middle school biology. Antibodies. We do not have antibodies built for covid-19 — obviously.

Also, because viruses are not spread by merely the mouth. Viruses — all viruses — are spread by hair, skin oil, wind when someone walks past you, saliva on your silverware and plates at restaurants, sweat, probably the pheromones that jump from you on to that cute girl across the way, and are accepted by weak immune systems from people who wear masks and deny their immune systems bacteria to fight.

Essentially your whole immune system makeup is bacteria. That’s like thinking you’re fighting a war, but with no soldiers. That’s smart.

Viruses can sit on one location for like 4 days. So, when I’m asked to wear a mask I ask if they also want me to wear surgical gloves, too, and I ask if all items in the store were handled with gloves and all surfaces that can hold viruses have been cleaned.

Antibodies: a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances which the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the blood. — Dictionary

So, of course it is going to spread fast. Might be faster than we think is good and healthy, but do not forget chickenpox… You want your child to build immunity for that. You don’t play around with Chickenpox, so you share it. Sharing is caring. Because as an adult, you can die if you get it. Now we have a vaccine for that, too.

All of a sudden, in 2020, basic knowledge flies out the window.

We have these things called cold and flu viruses and almost everyone in America has built biological defenses for them. So, when your body fights a virus you are less likely to share it. Covid is easy to share because your body has never had it before, so your body will suck it up to see what it is, to see if the body can live with it.

We have been trying to put out a large fire by putting wet leaves on it. In physics, that will slow the spread until the leaves dry out (or you wear a mask for more than 2 hours, for a virus), then we throw on more wet leaves.

Stop adding to the stupidity.

So, what you want, is all of your at-risk respiratory people to quarantine for X amount of time, maybe a month. The rest of the populace all mingle together to build the needed immunity. This is called Herd Immunity and there is a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this. The wrong way is getting an ignorant and bias person who hates people to be on the team. And not like Sweden did it, either.

In the beginning actually quarantine. You know, with putting plastic over homes and such like they do in zombie movies. Shopping with hazmat suits, then taking the hazmat suits off in one part of a tent, the the next part of the tent use a decontamination spray to spray yourselves and the groceries. Then enter the home and pray you did a good job. Then do that until the virus has been extinguished and again, a virus can stay on a hard surface longer than a soft surface and last several days (hence why Frontline Doctors said 2 weeks and a whole family should be clear of spreading it). AND don’t deny your body bacteria!! If you really are trying to combat a virus, then be educated.

America is doing and has done nothing that we were trained to do in biological warfare.

After 18 months we are still scared, when we could have ended this in month two. I am not talking vaccines or “vaccines”, I mean NyQuil-C — because covid is essentially “cold Jr”. Don’t inject junk right into your bloodstream.

Toxic chemicals, gases, and nerve agents

All microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Radioactive particles dispersed by a dirty bomb

Radioactive fallout from a nuclear device, weapon, or reactor

Surgical masks are designed to stop .8 microns and larger bacteria from getting into the patient’s wounds from the mouth of the doctor and medical team.

Gas mask filters are good for 8–20 hours. If gas masks are changed every 8 hours…

Only one is for viruses.

What you do for one virus, do for them all.

If you have a mask for covid, gas mask or otherwise, you have to wear it forever— this is called shield immunity (well, “immunity”, because surgical masks are not a shield immunity for viruses. Or like the Zombie virus, once you take your gas mask off it’ll eat you, burn your skin, make you ugly, and turn your insides to maggots. You have to wear masks until the virus is gone in order to not get it, that’s just how it works. Even Hollywood gets that right, and if they get it right that’s impressive and there’s no excuse for anyone else.

Now that the virus is alive, will we wear ineffective masks until the day we die? It’s not going anywhere. Ever.

I’ve only wore masks when I was paid to or when people cried about it since March 2020 and I am alive and well. No problems here with me. I am proud of myself for not doing anything weird these last few years. It is my hope everyone can say the same thing.

If you want to give free stuff away for the “safety” of people, help heart disease or medical malpractice. Even teen vehicle deaths.

Heart disease is still at 600,000 deaths a year (about every 35 seconds) and medical malpractice, #2, is over 200,000 a year per CDC. If you wear a mask not made for viruses, for a newly released virus with 60,000 dead and a 99% survival rate while sending EVERYONE with cold symptoms to a medical practice where there’s 200,000 dead of malpractice, would you shutdown McDonald’s for 600,000 dead or void all doctor licenses for 200,000 dead?

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Washington State Department of Health

I love psychological sciences, humor, economics, family/relationship psychology, & business. Small companies CEO. Creative writer, no BS.

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Joshua J. Lyon, BSQP, CNP